Saturday, 22 October 2011

Do the creep.

Skirts & Brothel Creepers via ASOS, The Style Rookie, Fashion Gone Rogue
I've been eyeing these brothel creepers up over the last few days, with a mention of somebody wanting some creepers on my Facebook today it brought them to the forefront of my brain and I was reminded how much I love this pair. I love the soft pointed front which is a bit different to the normal rounded front you see on others and the complete black has got me wanting to wear them with knee high black socks. The pair of brothel creepers I already own are blue suede with black soles and a rounded front but a smaller platform. I'm having a 'high school' phase at the moment, drawn to tartans, thick felts, shorted suits, pinafores amongst other aspects previously mentioned in other posts however I can't decide whether I want to be a freak, a bit punkier, the kind that would be seen in the brothel creepers or do I want to be a penny loafer geek like yesterday? I'm constantly living in a fancy dress dream world, wanting to be something different every day. That's my biggest love about fashion, that you can be whatever you want to be, my blog is a personal diary of all of my various personas and alter egos minus any kind of super power.
I've spent the day coincidently watching Freaks and Geeks and want to ask how long before I start wanting an oversized army khaki jacket to wear? 
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